2017年3月4日 星期六

| Cook n Shoot · 食譜 | 秒殺 · 法式千層蛋糕 Mille Crepes

最近在台灣剛開幕的 Lady M,被貴婦們爭著要吃上一口!

其實最近這紅翻天的千層蛋糕,就是以法式薄餅 (crêpe) 一層層疊出來的。法式薄餅起源于法國西北的布列塔尼 (Bretagne),12世紀由東方引進了一個傳奇麥類,讓土壤貧瘠的布列塔尼有了新的一片天,它就是黑麥粉 (Farine de blé noir) ,也就是由蕎麥 (sarrasin) 製成的麵粉。



今天跟大家分享我的 #抹茶風味法式千層蛋糕🍰🍰

因為 Mr.Shoot 極愛吃法式薄餅,因此我們特別買了專門的平底鍋,時不時就做個薄餅包上西班牙熟成火腿、起司再打上一顆蛋就是一個傳統布列塔尼晚餐!今天的差別在於:多煎了十來片薄餅而已~ 總而言之言而總之,想自己試試在家做出 Lady M 一小片要價台幣250多的甜點,歡迎參考我這超簡易版的食譜!

-全蛋 3顆
-牛奶 280克
-糖 20克
-麵粉 140克
-抹茶粉 10克
-融化奶油 20克
-泡打粉 4克
-鮮奶油 200克
-瑪斯卡彭 250克
-抹茶 7克

*crêpe pâte
-whole eggs 3 pieces
-milk 280g
-sugar 20g
-flour 140g
-matcha powder 10g
-melted butter 20g
-baking powder 4g
-vegetable oil
*matcha cream
-cream 200c.c
-mascarpone 250g
(I recommend you to try mix the 150g mascarpone with 100g pastry cream. It can make your stuffing less heavy and creamy)
-matcha powder 5g
-sugar powder 10g

8)將瑪斯卡彭加入作法 7 高速攪拌均勻。

1) Sift the flour, baking powder and matcha powder mixture, then add the mixture and sugar in the bowl.
2) Add three eggs, milk and melted butter in the bowl of process 1) by order. Rest the mixture for 1hour.
3) prepare a 20cm diameter flat pan and heat on fire. Use the kitchen pepper with vegetable oil to brush a layer of oil on the pan.
4) Turn the fire to middle high, then take one ladle of crêpe mixture, pur in the middle of the pan and quickly turn the pan to spread the mixture evenly to cover the whole pan.
5) Wait for 40sec, then turn to another side for another 20sec.
6) Repeat this process until you finish all the crêpe mixture. You may have around 15 sheets at the final! Let them cool down.
7) Prepare a bowl with cold cream inside, whip the cream by high speed. Add the sugar powder by two times and the matcha powder at the end.
8) Add the mascarpone and nicely mix with the cream by high speed.
9) then is time to do the Lego! One layer of crêpe and one layer of cream... until you finish everything !

** 你知道嗎?

在法國,二月二日是他們的"Fête de la Chandeleur (聖蠟節,又名獻主節),其實又叫做薄餅節 (Jour des crêpes)!

傳統上在這一天家家戶戶都會吃薄餅。在做薄餅時慣用手放上一枚硬幣,另一手拿著平底鍋,如果能順利一手將薄餅在空中翻面順利降回鍋中,那麽這一年家族將會興旺! 趁做千層蛋糕的機會來練練手感吧!明年2/2來給自己全家一年的好運!

沒有留言 :
