2016年12月16日 星期五

| Eat n Shoot · 食記 | La Réclame 味蕾挑惕之上班族的最愛

今天跟著Mr.Shoot 在他午休時間潛入一家已經覬覦很久的義大利小餐館。 內部裝潢簡單卻很有家的感覺,所以用餐環境輕鬆不做作~

擺在開放式冷藏櫃的火腿們等著被客人點名,然後讓優雅的服務生現切成薄片。搭配自己選擇的起司、新鮮芝麻葉一起夾進手工製作的義大利小圓餅(Florin) 或是佛卡夏(Focaccia)裡⋯

2016年6月12日 星期日

| Cook n Shoot | Yellow

This week Miss. Cook was wondering in a market, then she found something interesting and these are what she brought back home : red tomatoes in different shapes, yellow tomato, green tomato, yellow zucchini, purple Aubergine, white Aubergine ...
Then she decided with Mr.Shoot for their third week Cook n Shoot theme - YELLOW.

2016年6月11日 星期六

| Cook n Work | by Miss.Cook

The restaurant Tondo opened win Paris 12eme this week, the time I started my new job.
In May, I was so lucky to be found by my chef Tondo, an Italian brilliant famous chef. He got my CV
from the chef of Saturne (a one Michelin restaurant in Paris).
So before I start my story of my new job, I want to say, never give up of looking and searching only until you got the satisfying answer!

2016年6月5日 星期日

| Cook n Shoot | Roland Garros

If you are big fan of tennis match, you must know what we are talking about here.

Roland Garros, one of the most important tennis match in Paris. Mr.Shoot never miss the match every year since he was seven (or younger). Then this crazy follower comes to this idea, to make their second Cook n Shoot theme be something about Roland Garros - tennis.

Since Mr.Shoot was a child, he started to play tennis and continued this activity still nowadays. That is why, the handle of the tennis be so old and, memorable.

2016年5月29日 星期日

| Cook n Shoot | Powder

One day Miss.Cook and Mr.Shoot had this idea to take "Shooting" and "Cooking" in the same room. It sounds normal to Shoot pictures after you cook, but shooting pictures before you cook? That sounds crazy, but also, amazing!
The first Cook n Shoot session starts with the POWDER. Why? it all began with the oven.
In the 20 meter squares apartment in Paris, Miss.Cook and Mr. Shoot finally bought an oven to make their homemade breakfast bread! As Miss.Cook got the flour back home, Mr.Shoot got this shooting idea for their first session.

Then it starts our shooting with POWDER...

2016年5月13日 星期五

| Travel n Shoot | 法國尼斯 Nice

The summer is coming, which make us think of the fantastic trip we had in south of France!

The trip stayed for five days, started from Paris to Lyon, then the 4 hours smooth car drive to Nice.

There has been plenty of bloggers telling you the most "shouldn't miss" places you should go, so what we are telling you, is somewhere you may not see in that "should do list".

Let's begin from the city where was our main stop to other cities

During the whole day in Nice, we woke up by the lovely sun and straight to the beach at 11am.