2016年6月12日 星期日

| Cook n Shoot | Yellow

This week Miss. Cook was wondering in a market, then she found something interesting and these are what she brought back home : red tomatoes in different shapes, yellow tomato, green tomato, yellow zucchini, purple Aubergine, white Aubergine ...
Then she decided with Mr.Shoot for their third week Cook n Shoot theme - YELLOW.

Since Mr.Shoot was young, there's this candy called Cachou which is made by "Reglise" (It's the plants normally used as the medicine for cold, but people started to make it into children's candy). He says, 80% of French people love that, and he is that 20%.
However the container of Cachou is always the memory of Mr.Shoot's childhood. Nowadays this yellow memory comes into his studio...

Then Miss.Cook also picked up her dish for YELLOW - yellow zucchini capaccio with marinated zucchini, served with basilic ricotta mousse.

- yellow zucchini
- onion
- garlic
- bacon
- olive oil
- white wine
- ricotta
- basilic
- lemon

1) cook the bacon with onion and garlic, then add the chopped yellow zucchini.
2) before your vegetables start to be caramelized, add the white wine and stock, to make your soup boil. Once it start boiling, turn to simmer.
3) at the same time, slice the rest of zucchini in very slice pieces, marinate with olive oil, lemon, salt and pepper.
4) once your soup get ready (as the zucchini inside the soup gets soft enough), blend it and let it cool.
5) prepare your ricotta mousse. Add the ricotta, olive oil (which is cooked with basilic) in mixer, use the high speed in order to get enough air inside your mixture so it can become like mousse.
6) after your soup get cold, you can start your plating!

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