2016年5月29日 星期日

| Cook n Shoot | Powder

One day Miss.Cook and Mr.Shoot had this idea to take "Shooting" and "Cooking" in the same room. It sounds normal to Shoot pictures after you cook, but shooting pictures before you cook? That sounds crazy, but also, amazing!
The first Cook n Shoot session starts with the POWDER. Why? it all began with the oven.
In the 20 meter squares apartment in Paris, Miss.Cook and Mr. Shoot finally bought an oven to make their homemade breakfast bread! As Miss.Cook got the flour back home, Mr.Shoot got this shooting idea for their first session.

Then it starts our shooting with POWDER...

You can never imagine what kind of pictures you will take, only until you feel it.

Just like the picture of the flour, we can never think of how this eatable powder looks like as in the air, or how the movement it can create. Only as you feel it in your hand and shoot it.

For Miss.Cook, the feeling of flour is much obvious of the taste of it, which means, transforms the powder into something else - Baguette.

The recipe comes from Ferrandi, the culinary school in Paris. Miss.Cook will talk about the school in our future article, so please be patient^^
But as Miss.Cook making her baguette in school, they used the fresh yeast instead of the dry one. And also since the equipment at home is so much different thant the ones in school, the progress of making baguette might not be the same as Miss.cook did in school.

-Farine / Flour 500g (3.2 cups)
-Eau / water 315g (1.3 cups)
-Sel / Salt 10g (1.9 tsp)
-Leveur / Dry Yeast 10g (2bags)

1) Have your dry yeast in a little container and mix it with little quantity of warm water (the quantity which is enough to dissolve the yeast).
2) Take a big bowl and put your dissolved yeast and water inside. Then let your flour cover the water, put salt after your flour.
3) mix all your ingredients. It will be very sticky. Don't worry it is normal. Keep working on your dough until the dough starts to become a ball and not sticks on the bowl anymore.
4) Cover your bowl with a wet towel, let it rest for at least 12 hours. (Miss. Cook has rested her dough for one day! and it turns out amazing!)
5) Cut your dough into good size (100-120g), and shape it. Rest for another 2 hours.
6) Bake in oven (230 degree for Miss.Cook's oven) for 15 mins until it turns to the color as the picture is.

Bon appétit <3

Cook, Shoot, Edit, Article by

Mr.Shoot & Miss.Cook

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